We saw a definite lack of distinctly queer publishing and decided to step up. We want to empower writers to write more openly and more queerly and to not shy away from drawing on and portraying experiences that are important to them simply because the majority of publishing is failing to represent them in their fullness.
We may be micro but we are mighty! Knight Errant runs on the efforts and support of part-time staff and freelancers. We aim to publish at least two books per calendar year. More is not always better and we prefer to put everything we've got into the few books we make to make them the best they can be.
We regularly use crowdfunders to fund our various projects. All profits, however scant they may be, go back into the press and towards paying our authors, artists and staff.
We publish a variety of work – fiction, poetry, flash fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels and comics – and are particularly keen on short form and on work that is intersectional and challenges literary genres and societal norms.
Our aim is to bring to the world more stories written by and about LGBTQIA+ , BPOC, working class folk, people with disabilities as well as migrants and the displaced. As well as being the bridge for these narratives from cultures and languages outwith the Anglophone sphere of influence by supporting translators and publishing works and authors in translation.
Meet The Team

Nathaniel Kunitsky
Publishing Director
Born in Russia and settled in Scotland. Has a love for words and is interested in the intersections between language and identity.

Kanika Praharaj
Consulting Editor
Kanika likes her sentences spelt correctly and her food spicy.
Lenka Murova
Creative Director
Originally from Slovakia.
A graphic novel enthusiast and a strong supporter of expressing feelings through art. Mostly hopes for the best.
Tweets @lenkamurova

Angelica Cruzi
Project Assistant
Angie is from Italy and lives in the UK. SFF and YA enthusiast, they love words and powerful, engaging stories. Angie spends their free time playing videogames, reading about narrative theory and playing with Toffee, their very cute cat.
Tweets @AngelicaCurzi
Blogs @Bookmarked

Friday Schoemaker
Publishing Assistant Intern
Friday is very passionate about the creation and promotion of queer and feminist literature. YA fiction enthusiast. Friday can frequently be found staring at the moon.
Instagram @florentineviolet