(LAST OF PRINT RUN) Queering the Map of Glasgow 1st ed.
Queering the Map of Glasgow was inspired by the community-generated mapping project Queering the Map. Knight Errant Press took this idea home through stories that chart the fictional, real and liminal spaces and moments lost in the folds of the map. This is a map unlike any other: adding detail and fable it is neither complete nor fixed, it is a fold in the world. And a queer one at that.
This is the last of the 1st edition stock, which is more like a zine with its stapled cover and adventurous typesetting choices.
Cover design by Nathaniel Kunitsky
Internal illustration (map) by Kirsty Hunter
Authors: Gray Crosbie, Sarah Rogers, Eleanor Capaldi, Ely Percy, Ryan Vance, Mel Reeve, Sophie Norman, Sarah Spence, Natalie Wearden, Michael Lee Richardson, Eoghann MacLeoid, Mitch Alexander